Cutting Through the Noise is an energetic journey, an exaltation through the body and the music, perpetual waves of liberating states, an affirmation of identities in flux, embodied by a generous group of dancers. While this work was created during the second year of the pandemic, the pleasure of dancing became an act of collective resilience.
Onstage, 8 performers engage in a complex partition of walks towards the audience, caught in a loop of transformations. A playlist inspired by EBM (electronic body music) evokes the energy of a club and propels the persistent forward motion. At the heart of this choreography can be felt a certain nostalgia, an electric youth, a manifestation from a post-internet generation in search of emancipation.
Choreography: Alexandre Morin
Performers: André Abat-Roy, Clémence Dinard, Benjamin Harvey, Débora Huynh, Marianne Lataillade, Nils Levazeux, Marianne Murphy et Valentine Rousseau.
Costumes and accessories: Fany Mc Crae
Lighting design: Stéphane Ménigot
Artistic support throughout the creation: Isabelle Poirier
Dramaturgy consultant: Mathieu Leroux
Sound mixing: Jonathan Goulet
Duration: 30 min
Premiere: 15-16th of December 2021 at Tangente, Espace Orange of the Wilder Building, Montreal (Cru d'automne de l'École de danse contemporaine de Montréal).
This creation is possible thanks to the generous support of l'École de danse contemporaine de Montréal.